“Dragon Ball” is the hottest and popular anime/cartoon series within the world. Dragon Ball tells Son Goku’s journey with a passion for learning immortal martial arts. He went through the martial arts master’s study and together with his friends to explore the planet to look for dragon balls. He met and resisted the villains who shall dominate the planet . This comic series features a special appeal alongside the thrilling storylines that make it one among the world’s best-selling comic books. Not only famous in movies and comics, but Dragon Ball was also released into a game and exclusively released by NAMCO BANDAI game developer with the name: DRAGON BALL LEGENDS. This game is developed supported the plot of the first version, allowing players to participate in exciting journeys.
DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is made plot after the Event of Strength and revival of 12 universes. Without finding the strongest, King Kai-Oh decided to arrange the Event of your time , allowing all characters from different time periods to hitch . during this tournament is that the presence of a special character, Shallot. he's a Saiyan who is drowned in sleep for several years, he wakes up and only remembers his name. During the tournament, Shallot met “Zahha” and learned some information regarding the tournament: the winner would receive 7 dragon balls and be granted a wish by the dragon. After receiving this information, Shallot allied with Bulma and Jaco, and together they looked for the strongest warriors. In one battle, Shallot was defeated by Raditz, but the god destroyed Beerus to acknowledge his qualities and ordered Vegeta to coach Shallot to become stronger. Goku realizes that there are some unusual things during this tournament, he decided to unite Shallot to find out the mysteries Kai-Oh is hiding within the Event of your time . With the support of Beerus, whether Goku, Shallot and other teammates can win the championship title? Simultaneously decode the mysteries?
DRAGON BALL LEGENDS follows the role-playing game. During the battle, the player will choose the fighting skills for his character to wreck the enemy. However, each skill that the player uses will consume mana, and when this source of mana runs out, the player must use mana recovery skills or use other support items. Each battle, players can mention to three characters and may choose a personality to fight. Each character features a finite source of energy, which character will die if the vitality is depleted. Players can switch to other characters to fight. attempt to destroy all 3 characters from the opponent’s team to win the ultimate . Overall, the gameplay of this game is sort of simple, the controller is optimized for design, only includes the talents on the screen, and therefore the player touches the screen to vary the direction of movement.
Diverse game modes
There are a complete of three game modes to settle on from Stories Mode, Adventure Mode, and PvP Mode. In it, Stories Mode will allow you to participate within the “Event of Time” and details within the plot that I introduced above. The battles are designed within the sort of puzzles, and you would like to show over. PvP Mode, you'll be competing against other players within the system, rather than fighting AI in Stories Mode. Also, Adventure Mode. this is often a favourite mode because it brings many valuable parts and you'll use the resources that this mode brings to form your character become stronger.
The character system in DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is original within the original comic. you'll find Son Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Vegeta, Nappa, number 17, and lots of other characters. additionally , the sport also features three future characters: “Shallot”, “Zahha” and “Giblet”.
Shallot is that the main character during this game, he's Saiyan and features a hobby of fighting against stronger people like those in his race. “Zahha” may be a minor character and appears only in Stories Mode. he's an unknown race and therefore the first member to hitch Shallot. Giblet is Shallot’s twin brother and also a personality that only appears in Stories Mode. additionally to owning this character, the player also will need to fight Giblet in chapters 2 and three because the Boss.]
The characters during this game are characterized by classes which makes all advantages and drawbacks . There are a complete of 5 color classes within the circle diagram: red (RED), yellow (YEL), purple (PUR), green (GRN), blue (BLUE) and a couple of special classes: light (LGT) and darkness (DRK). When a player uses a personality with a DRK class, it's more beneficial to fight with characters with 5 colors but is disadvantaged compared to characters with LGT. However, there are only two unique characters belonging to 2 special classes, namely Shallot (LGT) and Giblet (DRK). additionally to classes, players can use resources to upgrade their characters and combat skills. When the character is upgraded, they're going to become stronger and improved in terms of injury and defense.
【Update Contents】
– Improved features in Events
– Added feature where you can test out new characters.
– Adjusted other parts of the UI.
– Improved features in Events
– Added feature where you can test out new characters.
– Adjusted other parts of the UI.
【Issues Fixed】
– Fixed various bugs
* Check the in-game News for more information.
– Fixed various bugs
* Check the in-game News for more information.
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